Thursday, July 23, 2020

3 Ways to Waste Time at Work On Halloween - Workology

3 Ways to Waste Time at Work On Halloween - Workology 3 Ways to Waste Time at Work On Halloween But Megan, this is an HR blog. Shouldnt you be giving me 5 ways to keep my distracted employees on track on Halloween?  Ughhhhhhhh, dont be boring. It may be Monday but its also the high holiday of fun people everywhere. If youre spending precious work time reading this article, you cant blame your colleagues or employees for frittering the day away calling up costume rental shops, fighting over the good candy, or watching David S. Pumpkins on loop. Its a fake holiday, friends, so let go a waste a little time today. 3 Ways to Waste Time at Work On Halloween 1. Assemble a Last Minute Costume You got to work and everyones dressed up but you. Or even worse, no one is dressed up at all the office is drab and dull, bereft of the spooky spirit of Halloween. Gasp! Theres only one thing for it. Youve got to put together a last minute costume using only materials readily available in your office. Use toilet paper to turn yourself into a mummy or a bride. Use your paperclip hoard to weave a shirt of chainmail. Decorate your suit with dozens of highlighter jack-o-lanterns, give yourself a white streak with whiteout and call yourself David S. Pumpkins. Once youve  hastily assembled your office costume, supplement your spookiness with a Halloween playlist*. Your toilet paper mummy may not provide a sense of verisimilitude but surely surely adding Monster Mash will help. There are so many possibilities but only so much time left in the day, so get crafting! * Choreographed monster dance numbers optional.   2. Eat All the Good Candy You Dont Want Your Kids to Get You think its a secret, dont you, parents? But we all know about your candy hoarding. Thats right, even your kids. Heres how it goes down: How come theres no chocolate left? they ask, listlessly sifting through the candy bowl. H-hey That, uh, that candy is for the trick-or-treaters. youll get your own tonight. You think scolding them was distraction enough, dont you? As a former kid, I can tell you with the special authority this gives me that no, it wasnt enough. Those kidly eyes are on you and your shifty ways and most importantly, on the goodies in your purse. But wait, Im getting distracted. Were talking about your workplace candy horde. All those Twix bars and Halloween Peeps. You and I both know its more than the slight handful youve got stashed with your extra pens. If I went through your desk right now I bet Id find enough candy to last a couple of weeks. Or, enough candy to last through to the end of the day if you put yourself on a strict, time-passing, candy-eating schedule. But just eating your candy horde isnt enough. Even delicious marshmallow ghosts lose their appeal over time. What you need is a strategy. First, ask yourself just how productive you want to be today. If the answer is very, consider rewarding yourself with candy for every task completed and email sent. If the answer is not at all, send off a quick, high priority message to your office with a trick-or-treating schedule. (You may be grown ups but I dont trust you to be equitable about how much time you get to give out versus collect candy. You did steal candy from your own babies, after all.) 3. Beat the Halloween Google Doodle Game You have only until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to beat this incredible drawing game. Since Im currently stuck on level three Ill be putting in several hours of work on this solving this problem today. Wait, you havent heard about this years addictive Google doodle game? What did you even do last week? But dont worry, youve still got several hours left in the work day to get Momo the catwitch safely through the haunted confines of the Magic Cat Academy. The game follows freshman feline Momo on her mission to rescue her school of magic. Help her cast out mischievous spirits by swiping in the shape of the symbols above the ghosts’ heads. And you’d better pounce fastâ€"the ghost that stole the master spellbook is getting away! And you will pounce fast. Over and over until you look up from your phone and realized a whole hour has passed while you were fighting ghosts with art. Go on and doodle Momo to safety, friends, and doodle away the hours until youre at your last Halloween party of the year, or handing out candy to adorable goblins and ghouls. Youre welcome.

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